The General Planning Department is a professional direction department under the direct leadership of the director of the hospital and is responsible to the director contents as below:
- Develop plans of operation of the Hospital.
- Urge and check the implementation of hospital regulations.
- Direct the medical professional works of the Hospital.
- Implement the contents of hospitals’ quality control.
- Implement the activities of information technology and security camera system of hospital.
1. To make annual work plans for departments and hospital. Then, submit plans to the director for approval and organize their implementation.
2. Based on the hospital's tasks, guide departments in formulating and implementation the plan.
3. To organize, monitor, urge and evaluate the effectiveness of plans and regulations implementation of the hospital to report to the director for consideration and direction.
4. To summarize the assessment of professional work.
5. To coordinate with clinical and professional departments in hospital, between the hospital and relevant agencies in order to improve the effectiveness of medical examination and management of the hospital.
6. To coordinate with Center for Continuing Medical Education to direct and provide the professional and technical support to the lower level hospital.
7. To coordinate the implementation of international cooperation according to the hospital's plan and the State's regulations.
8. To ensure the statistics, storage and utilization of medical records according to regulations.
9. To organize the on call duty works of the whole hospital. Standing to process the press information about healthcare. Besides, this department is the focal point to receive people's feedback through the hotline about healthcare of the hospital.
10. Building developing plan for new technical expertise of the hospital to submit to the director for approval and report to Ministry of Health.
11. Participate in social work of the hospital.
12. Term review and summarize the medical profession works, report to the director and higher governance agencies.
13. Prepare hospital’s plans to prevent natural disasters, catastrophes and other unusual casses to submit to the director and organize implementation.
14. To be the focal point for implementing and advising the director and the hospital’s quality control council on hospital quality.
15. Carry out all activities of IT and software in hospital management, data safty, internet and security cameras
16. Building plan and implementing the convalescence for elderly people
17. Carry out other tasks assigned by the director.

Bộ Y tế
Sở Y tế TH
Cục Quản lý Khám Chữa bệnh
Cục Y tế dự phòng
Cục Y học Cổ truyền
Cục Dược
Viện Chiến lược chính sách Y tế
Đại học Y Hà Nội
Đại học Kỹ thuật Y tế Hải Dương
Học viện Y học cổ truyền Trung ương
Phân viện Đại học Y Hà Nội tại Thanh Hóa
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