The Human Resources - Administration Department is a professional department under the direct leadership of the hospital director and is responsible to the director for human resources affairs, internal political affairs and administrative activities in the hospital.
1. Making annual working plans of the department. Then, they submit those plans to the Director for approval and bring into implementation.
2. Building rules, regulations and working protocol to submit to the Hospital's leaders for approval.
3. Advise and assist the Director in managing the human resource and organization of the Hospital.
4. Advise and assist the Director in managing the salary policies for employees in the Hospital.
5. Carry out emulation, commendation and discipline activities.
6. Head point for assisting the Director in administrative reform.
7. Implement the protection of internal politics affairs and ideological political education.
8. Implementing the content of "Renovating the service style and attitude of medical staff towards the satisfaction of patients."
9. Advise and assist Director on the activities related to the youth and gender equality.
10. Managing and guiding foreign guest and go abroad delegations.
11. Carry out administrative, clerical and archival works.
12. Management of the Hospital's means of transport.
13. Carry out the control of administrative procedures under the governance of the Hospital in accordance of the law.
14. Resposibility for reception and convention of the Hospital.
15. Manage, control and publish articles on the Hospital's Website.
16. Coordinate the organization of convalescent services; manage sanatorium rooms and guest rooms.
17. Ensure hospital security, participate in cheking of labor protection in the hospital.
18. Guide, checking and monitoring the following up the regulations of administrative discipline in the hospital.
19. Making a communicating plan of Hospitals’ activities.
20. Participate in solving social affairs in the Hospital.
21. Participate in scientific research, education and training.
22. Term review, summarize and evaluate the results of departements’ working and also Hospitals’ activities.
23. Carry out other tasks assigned by the Director.